Wow, time flies fast. Well, it's been a while since I've posted on this blog and I definitely would have been expected to be open by now but I guess I didn't really know what it takes into opening an online site. Especially, when you are completely computer illiterate it takes twice as long. Well, for the billionth time I attempted to photograph the clothing on the mannequin. We were have issues because we have a plum colored mannequin but being the perfectionist I am, I wanted a nude one. Well I won originally and we covered it with nude fabric, but unfortunately it didn't work out the way I had planned. So end result, is back to square one, with a plum colored mannequin. Hopefully, I can announce an opening date soon but I don't want to make promises...I tend to break them.
No, that's not me! Marie and Alex were our "models" for the shoot. Hope they don't mind being on the net! Hehe, I forget to tell them I was putting this picture up. Yikes!
Until next time, stay chic
Hi from Rome and congratulations for you blog. It's very rich.
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